Sunday, May 2, 2010

[GPC-ANTH] Discussion Topic for Chapter 16 - Roadblocks to Global Sustainability

Discussion topic for Chapter16

What values and human cultural ideals stand in the way of rational decision making that would ensure the survival or sustainability of the world more or less as we know it today?

Student Response

The values and ideals most likely to prevent rational decision making regarding our future survival are those of ethnocentrism and the push for industrialized globalization. Nowhere is it more evident than in the way that developing countries are pushed to comply with “modern Western” agricultural practices, even in the face of scientific proof that those very methods deplete the land of its capability to produce food stuff of nutritive substance.

We, to mean world leaders and multinational megacorporations, require adherence to practices that leave the individual farmer (or herder) without a real increase in monetary wealth, as they are forced to adhere to ever-increasing demands for new equipment or chemicals so their product meets “industrialized standard”. These requirements are costly, often causing the farmer to have to go into debt to meet them or risk losing any subsidies they might be receiving.

Modern doesn’t always mean “better” in cases like this. Yes, we have immediate access to technological devices that allow us to communicate across the globe almost instantly. Yes, we have cars that allow us to work at further distances from our home. But do these things actually increase the quality of our lives in the long-term? Rarely, does the benefit outweigh the cost. We – in our superior modern lifestyles – pollute the atmosphere every time we get into that car to drive to that fast food joint to pick up convenience foods that pollute our bodies, the food having been raised on land that must be artificially made viable for renewable growth, with chemicals that pollute our water supply when it rains.

And that’s just one example. To achieve existence in harmony with our environment, we will need to put aside the belief (taught in childhood) that everything “modern” is better. We need to look to other cultures and to take a good hard look at our own, to determine how we can adapt toward a globalized culture without destroying the planet (and its peoples) in getting there.


  1. I wanted to let you know, another student at GPC copied and pasted your entire post into their Anth1101 discussion board today. I wanted to give credit where credit was due, I enjoyed reading your post. As for Jessica Anthony, the one that adopted your efforts, I think she is despicable - nothing more than a vacuous oxygen-thief.

  2. Thanks for letting me know, Benjamin. I will have to pursue disciplinary action.

  3. Thank you, Benjamin. It means a lot that you had my back on this. Thank you for being my awesome today!

  4. Absolutely. It is rare enough that you find thinking people in this world, and we have even had some that copied and pasted wikipedia for their answers, which is just ridiculous, but to steal the works of a fellow student... well, that is completely over the top. In the mean time, I have enjoyed reading your blog, and as soon as finals are over I plan to come back and start from the beginning.
